Drawing Closer to God: Daily Planner for Holy Great Fast 2017This book presents a fasting and prayer program for the Holy Great Fast in 2017. Click here to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/...
Focus on the Coptic Family (PDF)Click here to download "Focus on the Coptic Family" by Fr. Mikhail E. Mikhail. #resource
2016 Gala Letter from Abouna Gregory, "On Prayer"Click here to download Abouna Gregory's letter to the congregation from the 2016 Gala. "One of the most fundamental aspects of our...
Synaxarium (Full PDF)Click here to download a full version of the Coptic Synaxarium published by St. George Coptic Orthodox Church in Chicago. #resource
"Lectures in Patrology (The Apostolic Fathers)" by Fr. Tadros Malaty"Patrology is the door through which we can enter into the church and attain her spirit, which affects our inner life, conduct and...
"Tradition and Orthodoxy" by Fr. Tadros MalatyIn this work, Father Tadros Malaty explains the Coptic Orthodox conception of "tradition" through the holy Bible, patristic thought and...
"On the Incarnation" by St. AthanasiusIt's been said that "On the Incarnation" by St. Athanasius is required reading for any Christian. Click here to download. #resource
"Paradise of the Spirit" by Anba Youanis of GharbiaParadise of the Spirt: Coptic Orthodox Reflections on Pastoral Care and Christian Life by the Late Bishop Youanis of Gharbia...
"The Apostolic Tradition" by HippolytusA work containing thirty-eight "canons", which "Hippolytus, the chief of the bishops of Rome, wrote according to the commands of the...
"Constantine and the Christian Empire" by Charles Matson OdahlA historical survey that provides "a detailed biographical narrative which reveals how this important emperor transformed Christianity...